Complaints and Comments

Complaint Policy and Procedure 

At Nilbon, all feedback will be welcomed and all complaints with be taken seriously and where relevant, appropriate action will be taken. 

When a complaint arises, we recommend that to first take an informal approach and if the issue is not resolved and you are not happy with the outcome, you can make a formal complaint. 

Informal approach

If you are unhappy about an aspect of your class and your practice, you can speak to your therapist in the first instance and raise the issue. If you are happy with the outcome, no further action is needed. 

A note of the informal complaint will be raised by your therapist so that Nilbon is aware of the issue and we can make sure that we can incorporate your feedback and complaint to improve our service. 

If the informal approach does not resolve the issue or your concern, you can follow the steps below to raise a formal complaint. 

Complaint procedure

  • You can raise a formal complaint by writing an email to your therapist. 

  • If the complaint involves your therapist, you can write to the founder of Nilbon who will follow up on the matter with your therapist and will take appropriate action. 

  • Complaints should be raised within one month of the incident. A confirmation of receipt will be sent to you within 2 working days. You will also be informed about who will investigate the concern and how they will update you. 

  • Nilbon will investigate the issue and have discussion with the relevant individuals in discretion. 

  • You may be contacted and asked if you are happy to discuss your concern in-person. This is voluntary and if you wish to, you can have a friend or a family member with you.

  • A formal written response will be sent to you via email within 20 working days.